• Our educational system shapes our future, and public education must remain accessible to all. Prioritizing fair wages for educators and keeping public funds within schools ensures their value and retention in Idaho. Teachers should be included in every decision-making process, as they are the frontline guides for our children.

  • Supporting early childhood education builds a strong learning foundation for our children. For instance, Ms. Shari's son, who had an IEP, received speech therapy from ages three to five through early educational programming, enabling his seamless transition to a mainstream kindergarten classroom.

  • Depression, anxiety, and suicide rates among our children are alarmingly high. Having a place to unpack these heavy topics and feelings at school with professionals are very instrumental in the success of our children and enhances our educational system.


  • Our state is facing a severe affordable housing crisis. Developers and investors are increasingly taking over private properties, driving up rents and property prices beyond the reach of most Idahoans. These out-of-state interests are prioritizing profits over the needs of our community, leaving many struggling to find a place they can afford.

    I believe it’s time for a change. Developers and investors must contribute to the communities they profit from. I will advocate for policies that require a percentage of new housing projects to be affordable for local residents. Builders should be held accountable to ensure that their developments include housing options that serve the needs of Idaho families.

    Affordable housing is not just a goal—it’s a right. I’m committed to making sure every Idahoan has the opportunity to find a home they can afford, and I will fight for policies that put our community first.


  • Healthcare is a basic human right. Access to preventative healthcare generally requires health insurance.

    Health insurance for small business owners and those who are self-employed, while made possible by the Affordable Care Act, is often too expensive.

    I am committed to investigating medical coverage options that cover the people who are in "the gap", ensuring preventative care is accessible for all Idahoans.

  • Healthcare decisions should be guided by individuals, their families, and their physicians, not the government. It's unacceptable for physicians to fear legal repercussions for providing necessary healthcare to their patients.

    I am committed to ensuring that our laws respect personal autonomy and support access to necessary healthcare.

  • Accessible healthy and affordable food is healthcare.

    I am committed to investigating why we continue to impose the grocery tax and finding a way to make taxes on nutrition unnecessary.