Shari Baber

“I am here to be the voice of the people I serve.”


Ms. Shari has been deeply rooted in Idaho's communities for over three decades, propelled by her love for her neighbors and a steadfast commitment to our beautiful state. She has served as a guiding light of leadership, empathy, and understanding.

Her story is one of transformation and dedication. From nurturing the Boise Soul Food Extravaganza into the cherished Boise Soul Food Festival to establishing the Brown Like Me mentorship program, Ms. Shari has tirelessly worked to create a sense of belonging for all Idahoans.

But her passion extends beyond community initiatives. For more than 25 years, Ms. Shari has been the heart and soul of Cut 'n Up and Company, her beloved salon and a hub for community empowerment. Through her business, she has uplifted countless small businesses, entrepreneurs, and families across the Treasure Valley.

District 15 holds a special place in Ms. Shari's heart—it's where she made a clean start in Idaho. When she moved here, all she had was two years clean and sober from a drug addiction, two young children, and what she could fit in her '88 Omega. Boise provided a safe place to heal, grow, and raise her children.

Ms. Shari is deeply committed to the inclusive spirit of Idaho. She envisions a future where every individual feels welcomed and valued, regardless of background or circumstance. If elected, she pledges to amplify the voices, concerns, and dreams of the community to the forefront of the lawmakers.

Join Ms. Shari in this endeavor. Your vote is your voice.


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